Antistressmanual (English)
The anti-stress manual is written based on professional competencies and personal experiences of stress. Derived from several years of practical experience in working with stress sufferers, I have now summarized my knowledge about stress in this simple anti-stress manual.
In Clinic Chi, I have learned that acupuncture is an effective treatment to get out of a state of stress. Acupuncture works by calming the nervous system, promotes sleep, and removes many of the unpleasant symptoms which are a result of stress. However, to get well and strengthened out of stress, more is also needed. concrete tools.
Tools that the individual can use
to avoid ending up in the same situation again. To get strengthened out
of stress it is also important to know the reasons why you got stressed.
What can you do for yourself to recover
and how do you prevent becoming stressed again?
The anti-stress manual can be utilized as a good self-help tool
to get strengthened out of stress